I'm a Mormon.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Last night we had a Multi-Cultural fest. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!!! We had tons of food like Chinese chicken salad, Scones, Tequeras, and of course my Apfle Strudel! it was so yummy! We played games like this hand slapping game from Korea and my hands were SUPER red from in but it was still fun :) We also played Topf Schlag. Where you hide the bowl with candy and you have to guide the person to the bowl. I probably played it wrong but its how I remembered. I got to wear my dirndl and people looked at me funny that was funny. After that I spent about an hour speaking just German and no one could understand me. We also had one person speaking Korean and one person speaking Spanish. We all could not understand each other but we still stood in a circle and spoke our second language :) it was so funny. I don't remember how it feels not to be able to understand German, so when I spoke to my roommate in German and she laughed and said I have no idea what you said it kind of blew my mind. I'm so used to being around people who can understand German it still feels weird being around people who don't. I guess I'll just have to get used to it.

Well time to skedaddle back to class. Ta Ta for now
Remember-  Opportunity dances with those who are already on the dance floor. - Jackson Brown


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