I'm a Mormon.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

New Semester, New Goals.

Ok so I have not written anything in a while so I decided that I should probably write something. Now its the beginning of my second semester of college I decided I need to make some goals to make this semester not only productive but really fun too.
1. Go to the gym at least 3 times a week whether its zumba or in the actual gym running I will go!!!
2. Get better grades that I did last semester. I'm not saying that my grades were bad all a's and b's but I want to raise some of those b's up!
3. Go to the temple as much as I can. I really feel like I need to do this better I mean the temple is just up the hill :)
4. Talk to a stranger at least once a day. I hope I will do more.
5. Preform in front of people more. I need to get rid of my stage fright! Its not bad but its enough that I never sing my best when I am in front of someone I am intimidated by.
6. Do something really fun at least once a week. I love to do fun things but I realize when I get into school that I don't have as much fun to release some of my stress.
7. Study better. I try to study when I can but I realize I don't do it enough. I need to get better grades!
8. Go to bed on time. I realize that when I get tired I don't act like myself and I get all stressed and mean and I don't want to be that person so I am going to be better!!!
9. Learn to love to play the piano. I am taking a piano class this semester and I am not starting with a very good attitude about it. Its just so slow and frustrating but I know I'll get better :) I just need to learn to love it.
10. Try to be more Christ-like. This is always one of my goals and it will always be one of my goals.

Well those are my 10 goals of the semester and I am going to work on being better at them :)

and remember, There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.



  1. Rachel, those sound like good goals. Keep after them. I'm confident in you. Love, Dad

  2. Hey where is the "clean up my messes and don't leave me stuff in the living room" goal? :P

  3. Thats not a semester goal thats a life time goal. :P
