Well I'm starting school back up again. I missed it soooo much! Walking campus is like being home again. I missed my family so much before I got off for my off semester at the end there all I wanted was to come back here but I know this is my temperary home. I guess Charlottesville is just a temperary home too. I love that Carrie Underwood song!
So now that I'm back at school I am totally getting back into the groove of classes. Im taking an intro to buisness class that I'm really excited about because its helping me decide where I want to go in International Business. I always love to have a plan even if they dont always work like I think they will. Like me being a music major... well now I'm an International Studies major lol. I have been reading a lot already for my classes. I love some of the articles for my Foundation Science class like Truth: the Foundation of Correct Decisions by Elder Richard G. Scott. I have also been trying to teach myself how to play the Ukulele with my roommates instroment. Right now I'm learning I'm learning You and I by Ingrid Michaelson. I love it!
I am loveing school so much! I can't wait to learn all of these things this year Its going to be AmAzInG!
Remember: "Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." - Douglas Adams